Qualifications and training

Our Qualifications and training

Explore Our Tailored Training Programs

Passivhaus senior decision-makers qualification

Master the principles and practices of building ultra-low energy houses that offer exceptional comfort and minimal environmental impact. This in-depth program equips you with theoretical knowledge and skills to ensure good practice  in the passivhaus construction sector.

Enhance Retrofit Fabric Installer Training (ERFIT)

Learn the essential skills and techniques for effective retrofitting. This practical course covers air tightness, ventilation, insulation, thermal bridging, understanding defects, windows and doors This course will empowering you to upgrade homes for improved comfort, reduced energy bills, and lower carbon footprints.

Train the Trainer

Equip yourself to train others in best practices for green building. This intensive program hones your presentation skills, curriculum development expertise, and adult learning techniques, transforming you into a skilled and confident trainer who can inspire and empower others on their sustainable journey.

Day with Energy Expert

This introductory workshop offers a clear and concise overview of key sustainability concepts, technologies, and practices. Ideal for architects, engineers, developers, policymakers, and anyone curious about building a greener future.

PHPP - Passive House Planning Package

This specialized course delves into the powerful PHPP software, enabling you to accurately predict and optimize the energy performance of passivhaus buildings or buildings retrofitted with this understanding. Gain the confidence to design and build structures that can meet the rigorous passivhaus standard.


Networking events available to unite the industry with the skills, experience and network of support to enable change at all levels in the built environment.

What We Offer

Passivhaus Senior Decision Makers Qualification.​

For people who want to understand the design led features of a building designed to perform to a high energy efficiency standard.

Enhance Retrofit Fabric Installer Training (ERFIT)

Practical working knowledge which enables people to take future skills into their work today

Train the Trainer

Use your passion to teach alongside the practical working knowledge we can use to equip and leverage our up-and-coming generations.

Day with Energy Expert

Understanding the basics of energy efficiency design and installation application in just one day. Touch, see and engage with people who “get it”.

Passive House Designer

Become an expert in designing the homes of the future today


Use your passion to teach alongside the practical working knowledge we can use to equip and leverage our up-and-coming generations.

People trained
0 +
Years of experience of future skills for future buildings
0 +
Projected future skills in 2025
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Future buildings
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